"Everybody wants rich Chinese Tourist"

mercredi 23 mai 2018

China : 130 million international trips new record

China : 130 million international trips new record 

Chinese travelers travel abroad in record numbers: 130 million international trips according to Ctrip and the Chinese Academy of Tourism, which has had an unprecedented impact on the environment. From planes to plastic bottles, travel has an incredible effect on our ecosystem. Fortunately, environmentally friendly hospitality and tourism companies are reorganizing their activities to offer luxury vacations that do not harm the fragile and pristine environments in which they are located. But does environmental sustainability even concern Chinese travelers?

Are operators prioritizing their ecotourism initiatives rewarded by growing activities in the growing market? 

"Chinese travelers are increasingly aware of environmental issues and the need to integrate responsibility into their daily lives, even on vacation. The Chinese market has been very quick to embrace and participate in environmental sustainability, "says Bernhard Bohnenberger, President of Six Senses, who believes that Chinese luxury travelers are in tune with the brand's philosophy.

"The Chinese market is also aware that it's Six Senses that created the responsible tourism niche in 1996 and is the brand that continues to set the standard in the hospitality industry."

Six Senses' commitment to green operations also opens up new opportunities.

"As Six Senses becomes more known in the Chinese market, we are receiving interest and development requests from Chinese homeowners who are aware that Six Senses brands have great value for raising awareness of a responsible approach to hospitality."

Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain opened in 2016 with ecological elements such as purified drinking water served in reusable glass bottles, Tesla cars for airport pickups and a large organic garden serving its farm restaurant in table. Opportunities for families to experience first-hand agriculture, as well as access to clean air, attract many wealthy clients.

New wawe of Tourists, Chinese millenials 

source http://tefmedu.com/understanding-chinas-millennials-the-rise-of-digital-native-consumption.htm

Similarly, the Gili Lankanfushi luxury eco-resort in the Maldives is experiencing growth in the Greater China market in 2018. Gili Lankanfushi is also engaged in green operations.

"We find that Hong Kong customers have a stronger connection to their green skills and sustainable thinking than customers in mainland China, as evidenced by their booking motives and conversations on the island," said the team. Gili Lankanfushi.

"That said, guests from mainland China and Hong Kong are united and committed to our sustainable development and environmental policies while visiting the island."
source Jingtravel

Chinese Influence 

With the growing influence of the Chinese market on destinations and tourism activities around the world, a 2017 survey of 430 Chinese citizens of Mainland China attempted to understand the perceptions and preferences of Chinese tourists vis-à- nature tourism.

The aim was to help form new destination planning and marketing approaches to better attract these segments of tourists and sustainably manage tourism resources.

A high degree of interest in participating in nature tourism among Chinese tourists. Older and older Chinese travelers are more interested in visiting natural environments. Potential nature tourists from China prefer to visit places associated with sea views and take photographs of artificial, non-commercial and artificial activities. Nature tourism takes two primary forms for Chinese travelers: education and relaxation (experiential), and convenience and accessibility (functional) We expect that as the Chinese transmitter market becomes more sophisticated, the commitment of luxury travelers to environmentally friendly operators will be harder to convince, with ordinary tourists preferring to prioritize the environment before the cost

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